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Monday, December 6, 2010

quick rendering of piece intended for 3 d print. skin components becoming structural (surfaces not extruded in this view)

slightly sloping floor plate on second floor (responding to roof undulations)

Friday, October 22, 2010

10.21.2010 Midreview: Design Studio 5_"Marine Research Center"

 I presented the following slides for my midterm design review. My presentation focused on the development of my line systems and how these diagrams could be transformed into        architectural elements. Feedback from Ferda Kolatan, Kutan Ayata, Stephanie Bayard,          and my professor, Erich Schoenenberger, indicate a need to refine my populating component as well as the need to emphasize the dynamic flow created by the underlying framework of the line systems. 

Other considerations moving forward include the assessment of potential for volumetric vs. surface conditions. It's time to think architecturally and really interact with site conditions. I plan on impacting the site topography and thinking more critically about how my building will interact (less traditionally) with the "ruins" or architectural landmarks currently on the site, (Roosevelt Island. )