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Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Response to this week's article, "Show the Monster," by Daniel Zalewski

I felt inspired after reading about Guillermo del Toro's obsession to create. Although I am not a fan of monsters or horror iconography, I can appreciate his dedication to his interest in his craft.

My only thoughts about how this article could relate to architectural design is precisely rooted in dedication and curiousity; a deep passion for a subject as well as the will to seek out new solutions are relavent in both cases.

Collection Additions : "Movement" may be evolving to "Dynamic"...

Asymptote Architecture-Terminal Port of Kaohsiung study proposal

Reiser + Umemoto-Terminal Port of Kaohsiung scheduled for construction in 2012

Again, this week I chose projects which rely heavily on the usage of line and plane as well as relationships of solid to void to convey the impression of implied movement and dynamism of 3 dimensional form in a 2 dimensional image.